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  • Workplace Equity: A Trend or Here to Stay?

Workplace Equity: A Trend or Here to Stay?

PLUS: Google paid $8 billion for default app status in Samsung devices, according to recent court findings

Tell me if this is TMI: I was recently injured at my hourly job. But I also won a ne client who seemed to appear out of the blue. It makes me optimistic that although I don’t have a full-time gig in tech I’m still remaining true to myself. It comes at a cost, such as the occasional jab in the lower back. But it’s a price worth paying to achieve my dreams.

What are your dreams? Please reply and let me know you’re reading DINT and find it interesting/useful. - L

P.S. - My latest article on ITPro.com is live. Check it out!

Today’s Top 5 News Stories in Tech, Race, and Gender

1/ How to Insulate Yourself from Big Tech’s Boom and Bust in Diversity Efforts

2/ Insightful Look at the Risks of the Gender Gap in Tech

3/ Was Apple+ Ever the Right Home for Jon Stewart’s Razor-Sharp Analysis?

4/ Google’s Anti-Competition Activities Revealed, Paid $8B for Default App Status on Samsung Devices

5/ ️Cool Tool Alert! Microsoft’s New Tool Is In Public Preview

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