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  • 11-14-2023 Data Backs Tales of Racism and Sexism in Tech

11-14-2023 Data Backs Tales of Racism and Sexism in Tech

PLUS: US Gov Devotes $1.7M to Use Data Science to Study Intersectionality in Health

Today’s Top 5 News Stories in Tech, Race, and Gender

1/ New Study Identifies Compound Impact of Gender and Race in Tech

Those with intersectional identities were more likely to report barriers and cultural discrimination in the workplace.

Digit News

While reporting of the impact of intersectionality on tech is important, we at DINT wonder when reporting the numbers will turn into tangible action to reverse those impacts.

2/ US Gov Devotes $1.7M to Use Data Science to Study Intersectionality in Health

3/ More Trouble for NYC’s Tech-Savvy Mayor Eric Adams

4/ Safiya Noble Drops Gems on Algorithms and Racism

5/ ️Google Owes News Publisher $2B: Columbia Study

What’s Happening in Tech

🤓 I’m hard on Microsoft and all the Big Tech firms. I do have to say they’re making an effort with diversifying their event speaker lineup. Their upcoming DEVintersection / Microsoft Azure + AI conference features not one but two Black women. And five out of the 12 speakers overall are women. This sends a clear message of the firm’s intent.

I may swing by since it’s only a few hours from me. See you there?

Palate Cleanser


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